Solutions Sealers Pristine Solvent-Based Impregnating Sealer
Solutions Sealers Pristine Solvent-Based Impregnating Sealer
PRISTINE Natural Sealer is a state of the art solvent based penetrating sealer. It contains a carefully selected blend of solvents and resins which are renowned for durability. These resins are deposited into the capillaries of porous surfaces, leaving a barrier against water and oil borne contaminants, with minimal change to the natural appearance of the surface.
- Suitable for internal and external use
- Premium long-life solvent-based product.
- Invisible finish which maintains a natural look.
- Allows grout or tiles to œbreathe, which means
- sealing is possible without lengthy delays
- Protects against water-borne and oil-based stains.
- Makes cleaning of tiles easy.
Suitable For
- Terra cotta: Tessellated tiles
- Sandstone: Clay pavers
- Slate: Concrete pavers
- colour: clear
- weight: .86kg/lt
- solvent: hydrocarbon
- pH: N/A
- D.G. Class: 3
- UN: 1263
Technical Information
- Classification: Copolymer Blend
- Active content: <10&
- Specific Gravity: 0.89 @ 25° C
- Solvent: Hydrocarbon
- Storage 0°-38° Celsius
- Resistance to UV: Good
- Peneoation Rate: 3 - 5 mm avg.
- Physical State: Liquid Solvent
- VOC.: >906 v/v
- Colour: Colourless
- Shipping: Class 3 UN 1263
- F/d8h Point: Approx.25°C
- Surface Gloss: None
- Water 6 Oil Repellent: Good