Masterfinish 2inch Flex. Drive Submersible Pump
Masterfinish flexible shaft-driven heavy-duty pumps areportable and can be used in a variety of applications. Available as standardpremium heavy-duty
Pump or heavy-duty cast iron model - both with stainlesssteel impeller for improved abrasion resistance. Self-priming, choke resistantspindle and oil
bath lubrication. Fitted with a quick action flex shaftcoupling with a 3-tooth drive dog enabling them to be operated by all standarddrive units. Fitted with an
adaptor for cam-lock quick action hose fittings. Comesfitted with an anti-kink device; you can move the coil on the shaft to wherethe pump needs to go
over an edge etc. to help prevent the flexible shaft fromkinking. 12 month warranty on pump head; 6 month warranty on flexible shaft.Stainless steel impeller as
Weight - 32kgs
Pump Head - Aluminum
Impeller - Stainless Steel
Max Head Height - 22M @ 3600RPM
Discharge Dia - 50mm
Max Discharge Capacity - 62000 L/Hr
Size of Solids - 25
Shaft Length - 6m